Transpire is an app for trans people to track how their gender identity changes, track how others gender them and compare them over time. I developed the concept and designed the UX and UI for this conceptual app to talk about the trans experience.
The Problem
Trans people that do not fit cisgender expectations often experience conflict between their gender identity and how others see them. Depending on the situation, these experiences can range from mildly annoying to intensely humiliating. This is complicated further when a trans person is gendered one way by someone, then promptly gendered differently by someone else. Repeated inconsistent gendering from others can leave a trans person chronically uncertain of how others see them and therefore partially unsure of how to see themselves. Inside and outside of the trans community there is also a fixation on passing which exacerbates (and is perhaps caused by) this problem.
General Usage

Transpire users log changes in their gender identity and how other people gender them. The Transpire app visualizes their gender identity against how others gender them, all over time. This allows the user to gain insight about their gender and how others perceive them.
This application could also be used by cis people to explore their own experience of gender.
Process Artifacts

Early wire framing and user behavior mapping

Branding sketches